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Leancamp - Session Ideas

Entrepreneurs, designers, managers, developers, innovators – how can they help you? Leancamp is all about learning from people from other disciplines and different perspectives. It’s a rare opportunity to raise your current challenges and ideas, so that others can help you through them and contribute their knowledge.

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239 results found

  1. [ESP] Lean Startup, del método a la practica.

    Lean es fácil de comprender, pero para muchos, difícil de aplicar. Me gustaría compartir nuestro día a día en la aplicación de Lean Startup, gestión, seguimiento, documentación... Tips, herramientas y recursos gratis -o casi-

    Ideas Practicas y experiencia desde las trincheras sobre
    Entrevistas de conocimiento del problema, de validación de solución
    (Criterios de validación, Beneficios colaterales SEO)
    Documentación del Modelo con BMC
    (Herramientas Online Gratuitas -y efectivas- de seguimiento de la contabilidad de la innovación)
    Construcción MVP Low Cost/Hight Value
    (Recursos utilizados para generar MVP para crear experimentos con un puñado de horas y un precio ridículo)
    Gestión ágil del…

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  2. Prioritize the MVP or lose time

    Deciding what to include in your Minimum Viable Product and what to learn is the way to spin the Build-Measure-Learn wheel. In this short workshop based in one real case we will set priorities and take decisions to define a good MVP.

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  3. Your Product is your Team. Period

    Of course in a startup it's important to confirm the viability of the Business Model. Of course you must reach your Product/Market Fit as soon as possible. Of course you must achieve all that points before you run aout of money but...

    Your real goal must be to create a TEAM!

    A Team is much more than a group of people with diferent skills who can work to achieve goals told before. A Team is a sincronized unit capable to work on what they believe really cares, true to their values and principles.

    Benefits and Scalability are consecuences not Goals…

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  4. From Zero to Hero thru Visual Management

    At the beginning it was the idea... your incredible amazing brand new IDEA! That's really Great, man! And now what?

    How do we put our Idea down to earth? That's the most complex step on the way to success. A lot of perspectives and a lot of questions that must be validated in order to reach our goals.

    To do that the most eficient way is using Visual Management tools: From Business Model Canvas to Kanban taskboards. Those tools will ensure you share and learn at every step of your project, startup or whatever you are working on.

    Definition of…

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  5. [ESP] UX+Agile: Trabajando UX en tu proyecto de forma iterativa e incremental (Taller)

    Este taller trabajara cómo se entiende UX bajo la filosofía de desarrollo Agile, viéndola y viviéndola como parte del proyecto/producto, que se desarrolla de forma iterativa e incremental.

    Trabajaremos técnicas que nos ayudarán a experimentar de primera mano cómo esto es posible, que demuestren y nos hagan ver el beneficio, la utilidad y el sentido común de esta forma de pensar y hacer.

    ¿Qué te llevas después de hacer el taller?

    1.- Entender UX como algo que no se cierra en una fase, sino que vive el curso del proyecto/producto. La colaboración entre diseño y desarrollo debe suceder pronto y…

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  6. MVP Technology Decisions for non Technical coFounders

    Lean Startup entrepreneurs have to heavily rely on Tech cofounders or out sourced development. When considering the technologies involved to get an MVP deployed, developers are often not lean minded enough. To avoid difficulty getting out of the starting blocks, you should have some grasp of decisions that are being made on your behalf. A brief overview of the issues followed by recruited panel offering their experience of some of the major choices to be made. What's worked well, and what bit them in the ass.

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  7. Introduction to Lean Startup

    I know we have people coming that aren't practitioners.
    This session would go over the basics. Why this approach. Build-Measure-Learn. Business Model Canvas. Customer Development. MVP. What should we measure. Learn and Pivot.

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  8. [ESP] Peligros y ventajas de #Scrumban

    Hace tres años, cuando Runroom literalmente abrió sus puertas a la comunidad ágil, nuestro primer panel de Scrumban despertó las suspicacias de los agilistas más ortodoxos. Esta metodología, híbrido de Kanban y Scrum, nunca fue bien vista del todo. Incluso hubo quien, en un alarde de agudez maléfica, quiso rebautizarla como Scrummal… Haters, haters everywhere.

    Y, qué quieres que te diga! En muchos casos, no les faltaba razón. Aún y así, a día de hoy seguimos utilizándola y las voces críticas se han apagado por completo.

    Me gustaría compartir contigo lo que he aprendido todo este tiempo. Dónde nos equivocamos,…

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  9. Tools for lean startup (verifyapp, Mixpanel, Appmachine, etc)

    There are many tools and services that can expedite the delivery of an mvc ( design/build/measure). This is an opportunity to identify and share those delivering most value.

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  10. Where have all the clients gone? a lead open discussion on what works and how.

    Five minutes intro talk on ideas which have been known to work, to get started and keep going in client search. Given by me, to get the creative juices flowing. Followed by why and how do they work, as a mind challenge to start thinking of original creative and lean ways to build a following of customers, who support the business.ten minutes wrap up on whats been the discoveries and how can the ideas be applied?

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  11. Viral dynamics

    One of the patterns of growth described in The Lean Startup is the "viral engine of growth". This is actually already well studied in other fields, and there are dynamic models to simulate them. The SI model includes Succeptible and Infected individuals and the SIR model extends this with Recovered individuals. Obviously, in the case of a business, Infected = Customer / User!

    If there is any interest I can prepare a short walk-through of how dynamic models work, and run through some scenarios of "epidemics".

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  12. Your MVP sucks! (workshop)

    Some ideas have technology risks, some have eco-system risks, some risk being crushed by 500 lbs gorillas in the industry, but all ideas have Product / Market Risk.

    If you build it, will they come? (and give you money.)

    This will be an abbreviated version of the full day workshop on using storyboarding techniques to define an MVP to test Product / Market Fit. It will draw from Lean Startup, User Experience and Customer Development methods to focus on a small series of experiments designed to test if the market has a problem that will be solved by your solution.

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  13. Breaking Silos in Larger Organizations

    Larger organizations typically try to implement lean piecemeal, with different silos all trying to rapidly iterate. However, as each silo relies on inputs and outputs from other teams, it quickly becomes apparent that piecemeal lean is waterfall in disguise.

    What are some of the ways that corporations can break out of silos? What works? What doesn't?

    This will be a roundtable discussion from practitioners in larger corporations implementing lean on a tactical level.

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  14. Short workshop demonstrating the theory of constraints

    I have an interactive workshop I want to work on that allows participants to see the Theory of Constraints in action.

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  15. How to define Early adopters and the Value proposition of your Start-Up the Lean Way. A simple Tool.

    This workshop will teach how to use a visual tool to define in minuts your early adopters and the value proposition of your Start-Up.

    The tool helps entrepreneurs to quickly come up with Value propositions focused on early adopters. This tool aslo helps teams to unleash their creativity and come up with great number of product ideas and features in minuts.

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  16. What Lean misses is... UX!

    I've been blown away by the world of Lean, not because the ideas are all so new, but because they're all so familiar! I come from a UX background and see a lot of good vibes, building upon etc. but also a lot of different jargon and lessons to be learnt from 'each other'. I see Lean and UX living in their separate worlds (worlds that we should merge). In this talk, I'd like to zoom in on the things that UX is awesome at to see how Lean can learn from it.

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  17. How to reallly know if my business idea will work

    This hands on workshop will cover the techniques to design, test and validate the value proposition of your start-up or new business idea.

    In this workshop you will learn:

    • How to define Early adopters or ideal customers.
    • To design a meaningfull value proposition that your clients can't resist to buy.
    • How to correctly interview customers to validate business idea (Problem -solution interviews).
    • Techniques and inspiring cases to quickly find your early adopters when you go outside the building.

    All this process will be guided using the Early Adopter and Value Proposition Canvas: a step by step tool to quickly validate…

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  18. Remote custdev

    When you're working in a different place than your customers, how can you make Customer Development practical? How do you meet customers? How do you move faster than setting up interview meetings?

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  19. The Principles behind Lean Startup

    Too often Lean Startup gets dogma-heavy and very specific - I know that myself, since I often end up using tools for explanation as its easier to do.

    I'd like to have a collaborative session on reviewing what the principles are that we can universally agree on. I know Salim and Rob have always been great at this - others are very welcome to give their inputs.

    This is meant to be a smaller discussion group or fishbowl, not a presentation.

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  20. Intro to UX and UX for Products

    This workshop is an introduction to what UX (User Experience) is and what you can do with it. User Experience takes people as a starting point and advocates to make products for people; products that are easy to use and are useful for the people buying and using it. Whenever we interact with products, be it complicated software or a simple teaspoon, we have a user experience with that product. This workshop will dive into the world of UX and leave you with a basic understanding of how important it is to understand not only products, but also the user…

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