Lean in established & enterprise companies? Techniques to prioritise MVP?
How is lean working in established & enterprise businesses? What's involved in introducing it? Also in these companies - techniques to use to reduce/rank the number of features in an MVP.

Mario López de Ávila Muñoz commented
It is yours, Brant :-)
brantcooper commented
I can host...
Mario López de Ávila Muñoz commented
I am working on this, as a consultant, with a few big enterprises [telecomm, food industry, automotive]. As an example,I am starting a project with two teams, a 'customer development' team in India and an agile product development in Spain. We try to custdev in India, design in Spain, and again build and sell in India.
If nobody more wants to do it, it's ok for me. -
AdminSalim Virani (Admin, Leancamp) commented
Great idea for a discussion. If this is going to happen, does anyone want to volunteer to host and start off the discussion?