Leancamp - Session Ideas
Entrepreneurs, designers, managers, developers, innovators – how can they help you? Leancamp is all about learning from people from other disciplines and different perspectives. It’s a rare opportunity to raise your current challenges and ideas, so that others can help you through them and contribute their knowledge.
Please comment and discuss. Use votes to register interest so the session host can understand if the topic is interesting to people. (Votes do not get used to choose the session – we’ll do that together at 10am.)
To help get the discussions going and give you an idea of what topics people might be interested in, please engage in the conversation – be open with your challenges and constructive with your suggestions
Want to make the most of this? There is some guidance, tips and tricks to get you started at http://leanca.mp/getting-started.
239 results found
Designing experiments
Bring a hypothesis that is important to your business, and as a group let's try to rapid-fire brainstorm lightweight, focused experiments for offline and online. I'll act as both participant and facilitator to keep things moving. My hope is that it will be fun, creative and inspiring. -- Giff
20 votes -
Fishbowl - good and bad experiences using the Business Model Canvas
Let's share techniques and learn from each others' experiences with the Business Model Canvas. Giff Constable had mentioned finding it a bit too heavy, and we'll also be joined by Lukas Fittl, who worked with Ash Maurya to create the Lean Canvas.
Giff and Lukas, it would be great if we could all have a discussion around our challenges and what approaches we tried. Up for it? Everyone else is welcome too!
10 votes -
Kanban primer - designing your Scrumban board
Seems like the Kanban session is proposed for London - so let's make a similar one in Barcelona! The idea is to share different approaches when designing your first kanban-scrumban board for your team. I will introduce our Scrumban approach, which I must say is quite popular (see http://www.slideshare.net/proyectalis/110506-scrumban-xp2011), but I want to see and shareLean Startup oriented Stuff!! ;)
23 votes -
The Human Side of Lean
Experience shows that, now matter how many Lean tools and practices you implement, the human factor is the spark that will light your company like a Christmas tree - or burn it like a Spanish falla! Join this talk to know more about what makes the Lean difference when it comes to the human side and how to build great Lean Corporate Cultures.
26 votes -
Innovation Accounting: The Lean Startup's Competitive Advantage
How Innovation Accounting helps in the Competitive Advantage of a Lean Startup by enabling a Fast Learning Environment:
I) Concept, Design & Development of a MVP Minimum Viable Product
II) Micro changes into the MVP from baseline to ideal
III) Pivot or Persevere in a fast learning environment26 votes -
Pair blogging: Creating better content through discussion
We're all able to have a passionate discussion about a topic with someone over coffee - but most of us are pretty bad at putting an argument in written form.
I'd like to share a format that we've recently been experimenting with, inspired by Pair Programming and the Pomodoro Technique: 5min discussion with peer, 15min writing your article, 5min review of first draft. (Repeat till done)
This is an interactive session - we'll pair up and you are expected to write content. Everyone writes their own post - the other person is merely there to help you formulate the content…
14 votes -
Hypothesis to interview to actionable learning - how I hacked together Janice Fraser, Ian Collingwood & Cindy Alvarez's Lean approaches
I'd like to share an overview of the process I use for Customer Development, which has been evolved by combining insight from Johanna Kollmann, Janice Fraser, Cindy Alvarez, Rob Fitzpatrick and Ian Collingwood and others. I'll cover how I do Customer Development for 10 minutes, then open up for questions, comments, and especially any advice you all might have!
15 votes -
Hypothesis to customer interview to actionable learning - a #custdev how-to
I'd like to share an overview of the process I use for Customer Development, which has been evolved by combining insight from Johanna Kollmann, Janice Fraser, Cindy Alvarez, Rob Fitzpatrick and Ian Collingwood and others. Since both Rob and Ian - and Brant Cooper - will be joining us in Barcelona, I'd like to invite them to a round-table to discuss the approach and make suggestions.
15 votes -
Effective Listening...let's brainstorm about how to listen better
Since so much of the Customer Development and Lean/ Agile methodologies depend upon internal and external dialog, being an effective listener could be the difference between getting startups off the ground or not.
We're a startup enterprise software business deep into Customer Discovery and problem-solution interviews. The concept for this session is a roundtable discussion on good techniques for listening well and ensuring what customers say is what we hear.
11 votes -
Practical uses of the Business Model Canvas
Look at your business model, now look at reality. Back to your business model, and now reality. Sadly, your business model probably smells real, but is it?
If you stopped trying to validate that same old business model, your business could be real. Now look down.
You're at Leancamp. With me. On a boat. I've worked with Alex Osterwalder and interviewed many of the BMC's leading practitioners, learning some great techniques from them. I'd like to share how to use the Business Model Canvas:
- to avoid "local maxima" when running tests
- to help record and analyse what is…10 votes -
Workshop/Game: Design the Box
I'd like to host a 'Design the Box'-Workshop:
Design the Box is a useful game to facilitate reflection about a product's vision and how to communicate it in a way the customer understands.
We've played the game a lot with our own products and with products of friends and it helped us a great deal because it forces you to nail down your opinion on certain things
- what's the usp
- what's the vision
- what's the business model
- who's the customer
- …
and helps you to identify aspects of your product where you are uncertain. A great way to brainstorm new…
9 votes -
Unleashing innovation and learning: labs, retrospectives, pair programming and other Lean & Agile strategies
The title is pretty self explanatory: I'd like to share different strategies and practices to successfully increase learning and innovation on Agile & Lean environments. I will share some of the most interesting ones I've helped to implement on hundreds of Agile teams over Europe.
19 votes -
Successful MVP's from Lean Startup Machine
- How and why should MVP's be leveraged as part of the validated learning process?
- How are MVP's essential to speed, pivots, and maximizing runway?
- What are the four most common types of MVP's that teams use at Lean Startup Machine?
- What are some notable or creative examples from LSM?
- Open Q&A
10 votes -
Cohort Analysis - how to do it in practice with Google Analytics (Barcelona)
The aim is to continue Dan Hill thoughts from LeanCamp London:
"Cohort analysis is a powerful tool to understand your customers and ensure the product decisions you're making are actually creating a better service for your users. How being better should come before, and ultimately leads faster to, being bigger.
We'll look at what a cohort analysis is, how to use one in your startup or company, and how you can get started quickly with tools you're already using. Let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas for focus!"
14 votes -
How to stay lean when developing physical products...
We hear a lot about the lean start-up with web products, but how have others used these principles with hardware or consumer products?
8 votes -
Lean Usability Testing - a fast, cheap way for Lean teams to do user tests
I'll show you the technique I've taught to startups to get you testing your ideas with real users even before you finish your MVP. Avoid mistakes. Avoid false negatives from your MVP. Get rich insights and deep understanding of product/market opportunities.
19 votes -
Knowsy iPad game case study
I helped The Innovation Games Company bring a new game platform from concept to App Store in just a few weeks. A key success factor was the way the small, collaborative, cross-functional team worked together. During this project, I learned some new ways to adapt my familiar user experience techniques so they more quick, visual, continuous and collaborative.
I'll share what worked (and what didn’t work) and provide five useful UX practices that help your team move faster with better results.
7 votes -
6 votes
Guesstimations: nunca dejes que la falta de un dato te impida seguir avanzando
Esta charla se impartirá en castellano. Esta es una charla sencilla que toca un tema de gran utilidad práctica. Cuando emprendes, especialmente si estás 'trampeando', a menudo te encuentras con que un dato que crees necesitas para seguir avanzando no está a tu alcance. "Oh, Dios Mío, no sale en Google!". Y ni hablar de hacer un 'estudio de mercado' o similar. Llegados a ese punto, lo mejor es 'Guesstimar'. Un ejemplo claro es determinar si tu mercado es atractivo - si es suficientemente grande. En diez minutos puedes conseguir una cifra que te permitirá continuar avanzando. No es magia,…
9 votes -
Social Network Design: how to create ecosystems where its users are taking advantage of the network effect
- Best practices for creating a real social network
- Allowing users self-expresion
- Balancing cooperation and competition between users
- Promoting UGC user-generated content
- Encouraging discovery and creation of groups of interest
20 votes
- Don't see your idea?